Trevor Eissler makes no secret that he is a Montessori Education Advocate. Along with being an author, Trevor is a business jet pilot and flight instructor living and working in Texas. His book, Montessori Madness, is a testament to his journey becoming a Montessori Parent and familiarizing himself with the Montessori Philosophy and how it differs from traditional schooling.
We often hear today that the traditional system of schooling is struggling and policy makers are trying to find a new method. In Montessori Madness Eissler argues that the Montessori Method is the answer to save our schools from the outdated factory model of schooling that is failing so many children throughout the country.
During Eissler’s talk at Middleburg Montessori School, he asked the group of 25 parents and community members, a critical question, “Who is flying your child’s educational plane?” The child, he said, should be their own pilot, not just in their education; but also in their life. Eissler points to one characteristic of the Montessori Method that sets it apart from other educational philosophies: choice.
Giving children, from an early age, the choice of what they want to do or learn about during the day, sets them up with the confidence and skills needed to be curious and resilient, as well as critical and analytical thinkers as they grow—all skills needed to be successful adults and citizens. Being schooled in this way means that children are tapping into their inherent desire to learn and are active participants in their learning. Learning becomes intrinsic to the child’s life and character verses being something that is forced from the top down upon them.
Middleburg Montessori School hopes to continue this conversation about the power of intrinsic motivational learning and welcomes you to visit our school to observe and join the conversation about the role of choice in a child’s education.